Thursday, 14 April 2011

"I walk, and am soo ashamed when i walk with students and other teachers drive their cars out"

This is my last Teaching Practice at one of the schools in the city. The college posts us to schools to do a practice of teaching. i just will take it eish!!

 ”teaching sucks man eish” i will go and teach in one of the schools in the city.. I quite am liking it thou, it varries my living environments a bit.. working with kids.. thats a cool thing, but yeish!! this once are naughty u kno, they ask u out as their teacher.. last week, one gave me her phone to hold for her as cell phones are not allowed in school.. now as she gives me the phone she opens the photos folder and remaks "Teacher u can see" u kno the photos in there are the ones she took when they were on bikinis at some pool workout orr soooo.. i just took the phone and looked.. but they are fun thou.. in my Art class i just look at this other Japanese student's eyes and i just laugh out at the squeezed eyes.. but they are awesome though

 23rd at work, i teach in one of the schools around the city.. Moselewapula School, am in the teacher's lounge   ..a few free teachers in here... but we are chating not, its just quiet,  I sit and face the parking lot and see through laced office curtains... 1, 2, 3 cheap flipin cars parked.. I only see the 2008 Hilux 3L truck that just paralleled the white line on the parking lot aggressively, with the chrome wheels engraved RS on them… cant actually see the writing.. i love it... there dived a brown boot from the opened door.. its nice... i love cars and when i see something like this i think about the car i will drive myself, People see me every morning walk past their home or the road, those who see me go towards the Moselewapula School gate assumes "the teacher who is walking" and thats true. i walk, and am soo ashamed when i walk with students and other teachers drive their cars out, at times i really wait  for the students to go out or escape 30mins before them. ohhh! boy!!!

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